Server Integration
Server Address | | |
Server IP Address | | |
Server port | 47734 | |
Integrated on | 27/08/2015 | |
Revised on | 27/08/2015 |
General information
Purpose | Vehicle |
Weight | 45 g (1.59 oz.) | |
Size | 79.5×38.5×10.5 mm (3.13×1.52×0.41 in) |
GNSS Location
Internal antenna (GNSS) | Yes | |
GPS | Yes |
Cellular network type | GSM Quad Band | |
Internal antenna (Connection) | Yes | |
Cellular network generation | 2G |
Number of outputs | 1 | |
Number of inputs (all types) | 2 | |
ACC/Ignition input | Yes | Supported |
Discrete inputs | Yes | Supported |
Outputs | Yes | Supported |
Hardware features
Emergency button | Yes | Supported |
Hardware extras
Voice communication | Yes | On request |
Tracking features
Tracking modes | Continuous | |
Location by Cell ID | Yes | Supported |
Odometer | Yes | Supported |
Events monitoring
Car crash | Yes | Supported |
Remote management
Server connection setup over SMS | Yes | Supported |
Remote device configuration | Yes (over GPRS) | Supported |
Remote outputs control | Yes (over SMS) | Supported |
Forced GNSS location update over SMS | Yes | On request |
CE | Yes | |
FCC | Yes |