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AMGPS Portable Pro

AMGPS Portable Pro to lokalizator GPS z wbudowanymi antenami GSM i GPS. Jest to kompaktowe i ekonomiczne urządzenie do śledzenia zasobów, pojazdów i pracowników.

Lokalizacja i śledzenie

Obsługa GPS
Wsparcie LBS
Sieci komórkowe

850/900/1800/1900 MHz
Sieć 2G
Inne funkcje

Zdalne zarządzanie

Server connection

EU platform (
US platform (
Server port 47735
Auto registration Yes

General information

Purpose asset,personal
Weight 210 g (7.41 oz.)
Size 72x49x43 mm (2.83×1.93×1.69 in)
Internal antenna (GNSS) Yes
Internal antenna (Connection) Yes

Connectivity information

Network signal level Yes
Cellular network type GSM Quad Band
Cellular network generation 2G

Location information

Forced GNSS location update over GPRS Yes
Forced GNSS location update over SMS Yes


Discrete inputs 1
Deviation from the route
Distance between objects
Entrance or exit from geofence
Excessive driving
Excessive parking
Inputs triggering
Low battery
Parameter in range
Parking state detection
Speeding (platform related)
Task status change
Tracker detach from the object
Tracker switched OFF or lost connection
Vibration sensor