Lista obsługiwanych lokalizatorów GPS

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Server connection details

Server Integration
Server Address
Server IP Address
Server port 47699
General information
Purpose Vehicle
Installation Professional
Weight 110 g (3.88 oz.)
Size 89x55x25 mm (3.5×2.17×0.98 in)
GNSS Location
Internal antenna (GNSS)
External antenna (GNSS)
Cellular network type GSM Quad Band
Internal antenna (Connection)
External antenna (Connection)
Cellular network generation 2G
1-Wire interface
RS232 interface
RS485 interface
Number of outputs 2
Number of inputs (all types) 5
ACC/Ignition input
Discrete inputs
Analog inputs
Impulse inputs
Hardware features
Battery capacity 550 mAh
Built-in battery Optional
Hardware extras
Emergency button
Driver ID reading
External temperature sensor reading
Tracking features
Tracking modes Continuous, Interval
ECO driving
Events monitoring
External power cut off
Car crash
Self monitoring
Network signal level
Network operator ID
GNSS signal level
External power source voltage
Internal battery level
CAN/OBDII reading
CAN/OBDII reader type External
CAN/OBDII parameters Speed, fuel level, fuel consumption, engine RPM, throttle position, mileage, inst. fuel consumption, engine hours
Remote management
Server connection setup over SMS
Remote device configuration Yes (over GPRS)
Remote outputs control Yes (over GPRS)
Firmware update OTA

How to connect to TrackSystem server

Automatic activation (recommended)

The software platform supports automatic device activation by applying APN settings, server address and port, as well as recommended tracking mode though the SMS channel. Normally you don’t need to configure anything manually. Just install the SIM card, switch the device ON and make sure it is located in the place with good GPS signal reception.

You also need to keep the device with initial factory settings, in particular:

  • Do not set any password, keep it clear (as by default)
  • Do not set any master number prior to the device activation
  • Do not set local Time zone, it must be UTC+0h (as by default)

Manual activation

In case automatic activation failed, you can try to register the device manually by sending following command to the device:



The <APN> parameters depend on your GSM carrier.